
Steps for Running Sample Project in Local WorkStation


Create a Spring Boot Project using Spring Initializr for any Development IDE

1. Create a Spring Boot Project in IntelliJ IDEA

The IntelliJ integrated development environment (IDE) is a Java-based program.


  1. Install IntelliJ IDEA on a Local Machine
  2. Launch Intellij and Click “Open” and Navigate to the folder containing the spring boot project
  3. Inside folder select “pom.xml” and click on “Open” Button
  4. Since we are working on JDK 17, after importing the project we need to perform we need to select correct JDK version

Step 1: Installation of IntelliJ IDE

Step 2: Import Spring Boot Project in IntelliJ IDE


Step 3: Inside folder selects “pom.xml” and clicks on “Open” Button


Step 4: Since we are working JDK 17, after importing the project, we need to select the correct JDK version

The Spring Boot project has now been completed, as shown in the image below. The Project file structure is shown on the left side, while the Code Editor is shown in the middle.


2. Create Spring Boot Basic Application in Eclipse IDE

The Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is well-known in the Eclipse IDE.


  1. Install Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developer
  2. Import Spring Boot Project in Eclipse IDE.
  3. Search for “maven” and Choose Existing Maven Project.
  4. Choose Next.
  5. Click on the Browse button and select the extracted zip.
  6. Click on the Finish button, and we are done with the importing the spring boot project.

Step 1: Installation of Eclipse IDE

Step 2: Import Spring Boot Project in Eclipse IDE



Step 3 & 4: Search for “maven” and Choose Existing Maven Project and Choose Next button


Step 5: Now click on the Browse button and navigate to the folder containing the unzipped spring boot project


Step 6: Click on the Finish button, and we are done with the importing the spring boot project.

The Spring Boot project has now been completed, as shown in the image below.


Happy Coding